Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Norman Osborn II

Born into a family of wealthy businessmen, Norman had a strange young life. When his father, Norman Osborn the First, lost the family business (possibly due to the depression of the 1930's), he blamed his wife and son. Young Norman was abused physically and verbally by his father. He would marry a woman named Emily whom he truly loved. While giving birth to their first and only child Harry, Emily died. As Harry grew, the troubled Norman Osborn used tough-love on what he perceived to be his "weak" son. When his wife died, it was devastating for him and Harry, but Norman became so involved with his work and it resulted in neglecting Harry many times, and also verbally lashing out at his son. He always believed that if everybody saw his son Harry with all the latest cars/clothes/trends, then all the kids would want to be an Osborn.

When Norman and business partner a brilliant scientist and robot expert named Mendel Stromm created Osborn Industries, a chemical plant, he wanted to gain complete control of the business. When he caught Stromm embezelling money, he saw a chance to acheive this goal; he had Stromm imprisonned for 10 years. The business flourished without Stromm, and making Osborn extremely wealthy. Later, Norman found out that Stromm was working on a formula which gave the user super-strength. To test out the formula, he had kidnapped one of his own security guards, Nels Van Adder, and forced him to take the chemical. It turned the innocent Nels into a monster named the Proto-Goblin. When George and Arthur Stacy came onto the scene to find out what happened, the monster escaped. Norman would find another, more advanced Stromm formula. While his father was working on that formula, Harry intervened and mixed some of the chemicals of the formula whcih ended up by litterarly blowing up in his father's face. This explosion exposed Norman to too much of the formula. What he didn't know was that he would slowly turn insane. The explosion would give him enhanced intelligence and strength, mental instability and a healing factor, something which would later prove to be an important point in his life.
Wanting to be a major force in the criminal underworld, Norman Osborn became the Green Goblin and hand-picked Spider-Man to 'prove his force' to NYC. At first, he hired the Headsman to eliminate Spider-Man, but he failed, so Norman decided to do it himself. He first officially encountered Spider-Man when he tricked him into making Spidey think that Hollywood was going to film a movie about him. The Goblin hired the villains known as the Enforcers to beat Spidey. After a run-in with the Hulk, Spidey defeated and captured the Enforcers, but the Goblin escaped. He would ally himself with the Crimemaster, but it would fail. However, in his previous encounters he learned of Spidey's powers and moves, which would prove important in the future.
When Stromm finally got out of jail, now calling himself the Robot Master and wanted revenge on Osborn. Stromm would use two robots to destroy Osborn's lab. He failed when Spider-Man interrupted. The combination of an explosion and Osborn attempting to kill him gave Stromm a heart attack, who seemingly died.
With the knowledge of his first fights with Spidey, the Goblin noticed that Spidey had a sixth sense which would warn him of danger, so the Goblin designed a formula which would negate Spidey's "spider-sense" for a period of time. With that, he would find out the secret identity of Spider-Man; the Goblin would discover that his enemy is Peter Parker, the close friend of his own son! The Goblin was obviously shocked and felt ashamed that he lost to a mere teenager. The Goblin captured Peter and revealed his secret identity to him. Peter would then go on to fight his enemy, and Osborn would come in contact with some live wires, which would knock Osborn out and give him partial amnesia. Spidey would burn Norman's Goblin gear so Norman wouldn't remember his past as the Goblin and Peter's double identity.
For a long time, Norman Osborn would live a normal life as head of Osborn industries. In fact, he'd even be nicer than before as Harry became the center of his life. He even payed the rent for an apartment in which Harry and Peter lived in. All was perfect in the life of Norman Osborn. But whenever exposed to great stress or memories of the Goblin, he would begin to remember his double-life.
When Harry was dating Mary Jane, she was in a play which took place at an Osborn owned theater, Norman felt sick and nervous. Then, his memories all started to come back to him. He then remembered that Peter was the web-slinger and waged war on Peter. It ended when Spidey took him to the hospital bed of Harry, Norman's good side came back, and he fell unconscious again.
With his son was sick from LSD after-effects and his business stock crashing, his mind snapped and turned into the Green Goblin once more. This time, he decided to kidnap Gwen Stacy. The Goblin would have her atop of the Brooklyn Bridge and he would knock an unconscious Gwen off the bridge and a flu stricken Spidey accidently snapped her neck, which killed her. Spidey would then proceed to lose it, and in battle he would come close to beating the Goblin to death, but he'd stop. With his senses coming back to him, he would sense the Goblin Glider coming to impale him, Spidey jumped out of the way and the glider killed the Goblin instead. Spidey would just leave the scene, but what he didn't know was that Harry followed them and took off his father's costume, in order to protect his family name, and he payed off the mortician to fake an autopsy.
For years, everyone thought he was dead, but they didn't know that he had healing powers given to him from Stromm's formula. Norman would then wake up in the morgue, kill a man with the same physical characteristics and replace his body with that one. Then he proceeded to go to his old one of his many hide-outs, but he'd find Harry there trying to avenge his father. Norman let his boy "become a man for once in his pitiful life", and Norman would move to Europe to build an empire over there.
From there, he'd watch over Peter and Harry's life like a hawk through secret agents. Norman would discover this ancient cabal called the Scrier Cabal; he would take over as leader. Osborn discovered about Miles Warren and was intrigued by his experiments to clone human beings. So he decided to fund Warren's experiments, by using the Scrier as an in-between. He'd add another pawn to his collection in Seward Trainer. Through Trainer, Osborn would have him rig the experiment to confuse the Jackal (Warren's alter ego) and make him believe that Ben Reilly was the real Peter Parker. This would allow Warren to focus all of his attention towards Ben, while Osborn can keep tabs on Peter.
One day, Osborn realized that perhaps Stromm himself had taken the formula. If he did, then he too must have the healing powers. So he dug up Stromm's body and found out that he was barely alive. Stromm reluctanly worked for his former employer once again, this time in exchange for a mechanical body which keep him alive. With Stromm's technological abilities, he'd make the Scriers act more mysterious, and they'd "vanish" and appear out of thin air.
Osborn would be infuriated at many things, such as the wedding of Peter and MJ, Harry failing to defeat Peter, the Hobgoblin stealing his own weapons, and many other things, but the thing that made him start his plan in full force was the death of his only son Harry. He wanted to crush Peter psychologically, and by chance, Ben Reilley decided to return to NYC. But it failed, instead of going crazy for ever, Peter befriended Ben and got even closer. He tried to bring up more confusion, but time after time, he'd fail. So he decided to do things his way. He would take everything away from Peter all in one night. He would kill off all of his friends, his "brother" and, to even the score, his child.
On Halloween, seven years after his 'death', Norman Osborn made his return to Spider-Man's life. He explained his story to Peter and Ben, and managed to force early labour upon Mary Jane which (possibly) caused a stillbirth. He'd only fail in killing his friends, but in the rest he was succesful. He'd disappear for a couple of months, and then, with the help of Jack O'Lantern II, return publicly for the first time in 7 years by owning one half of the Daily Bugle.
Norman also took over Osborn Industries away from Liz, who gained it after Harry's death. For months, he'd play mind games with Peter; Osborn gained public sympathy and trust when he hired someone to portray the Green Goblin to kidnap his own grandson. This would prove to the world that he wasn't the Goblin, as shown in Ben Urich's book. When Norman met the original Hobgoblin, he manged to amalgamate Kingsley Limited into Osborn Industries, thus making him far more richer and powerful.
Then he felt it was time to start his master plan. His plan was to design a DNA bomb in order to destroy everyone on Earth, but first he wanted to kill Spider-Man by himself. In order to do so, he found an ancient ceremony which would give the five participants one out of five powers; madness, death, power, immortality or knowledge. Osborn thought he had received power in the Gathering of Five, but it turned out that he had received madness instead.
When Alison Mongrain (the woman who apparently killed or kidnapped baby May) found Mary Jane's house, she told MJ that May was alive. She told this to Peter, and thinking that his baby girl was alive, went off to get his child back. He then discovered that Osborn had taken his aunt May away from him and that Osborn had faked her death. The intense fight caused the Daily Bugle to get ravaged. The end result was that Spider-Man would give up the super-hero biz. The Goblin was sent to prison, but the Scriers freed him from prison.
With his personal aid, and employee of Osborn Industries, Donald Menken helps cure Norman from the Madness. With a nurse named Kolina Frederickson, Norman gets better, but proceeds to fall in love with his nurse. He asks her to move in with him in one of his mansions. She accepts. There, Norman secretly plots Spider-Man's rebirth.
Looking for an apparent hair to the throne, Norman decides that it belongs not to Normie or Menken, but to Spdier-Man! He kidnaps the Wall-Crawler and try to make him 'fear the light'. He almost suceeds, but Peter overpowers him. Norman escapes, but he has the last laugh when he mentions how close he was to changing Spider-Man into The Green Goblin.
Norman Osborn begins plotting of whole new ways to torture his arch-nemesis. He approaches Flash Thompson once again, but this time he forces him to get drunk and puts him behind the wheel of a car which crashes into Mid-Town High. At the same time, the Goblin releases a video tape in which he explains that Spider-Man killed Gwen Stacy, and not him. This of course, gets under Spidey's skin even further. In the end, Norman fails to beat Spidey and is talked into submission. However, the Goblin manages to escape.

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